Tuesday, August 04, 2009

The Bible from Ancient Eastern Manuscripts

One of the Bibles I have.


Anonymous said...

The original of the Bible was burned in the Alexandria fire centuries ago. There is a second Bible produced by an ascended master acting under the name of Sir Francis Bacon. He’s mainly responsible for what we know as the King James Version. As you may know ascended masters have no problem accessing Askashic records. By these means they can give ‘true’ account of anything that has ever happened with extreme precision. As for the Lamsa Bible I have never heard of so I can’t make any comments but I would be careful of its contents. If you’re looking for authentic information, look no further because we now have the Dead Sea Scrolls which have not been ‘reedited’ for centuries and parallel the Bible. The scrolls were written in ancient Hebrew by the Essenes Order which is the same order Jesus Christ was born into

Selenasking said...

The King James Bible is fine unless you want to look into other available texts. I recommend www.familyradio.com now because the world may end in 2011 as they say. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Who told you that the world was going to end in 2011?? And is that enough ‘evidence’ for you to recommend a radio station? Who’s the person behind it? What are their credentials? Did you check that out? For a person that claims to be 58 you’re easily persuaded are you not? Don’t believe everything to hear and get information from reliable known sources to avoid being fooled. Your guys have the information wrong; the end is August 2012 at 11:11 AM which is the 30,000 year anniversary of the Flood

Selenasking said...

You have leaped before you looked and you are wrong. It's all about what Family Radio is teaching. www.familyradio.com.